About the Journal


Quarterly since 1957.



The journal Pathological physiology and experimental therapy is a multidisciplinary scientific and practical publication. The journal is addressed to a wide range of researchers, clinicians-researchers, practitioners, graduate students and students of medical schools.

The main task of the editorial staff is to select and prepare for publication new materials, primarily concerning the pathogenesis and experimental therapy of diseases personified at the phenotype level, taking into account molecular and genetic mechanisms.

In this regard, the focus of our attention is on cellular biology, regenerative medicine, ways of activating the recovery processes. We also see our task in facilitating the propagation of information on new modern models of diseases, new diagnostic methods, as well as applying the results of theoretical researches, including the achievements of mathematics, physics, information sciences in the field of experimental medicine and clinical practice, that is, we strive support a broad movement, denoted by the term translational medicine.

The Editorial Board is interested in having different disciplines presented in the journal. So the journal published articles by leading geneticists, molecular biologists, pharmacologists, immunologists, oncologists. In addition, the journal regularly prints reviews of literature, including specially requested by the Editorial Board.

The most important task is to organize a quality peer-review process of matherials received, including those coming from different regions of Russia, which, we believe, can have a positive impact on the scientific level of the work. The permanent pool of the reviewers cooperates with the journal, which, if necessary, expands by attracting specialists working in the relevant fields of medical science.

The active work of the Editorial Council of the journal contributes to the provision of the necessary scientific level of publications. The members of the Editorial Council not only determine the promising directions for the development of the journal, but also play a decisive role in the disputable issues. The final decision on publication is taken collectively at a meeting of the Editorial Board.

The Editorial Board considers it its duty to remember the great scientists-pathophysiologists, publish articles about them, and is intended to continue this practice.

The journal takes part in the preparation and coverage of the work of various congresses and conferences.

Editor-in-chief of the journal – member of Russian Academy of Sciences, DSc, Prof. A.M. Dygay.