Influence of simulated microgravity on the threshold of pain sensitivity in humans with single dose of ketorolac

  • M. V. Baranov The data supporting the influence of simulated microgravity effects on pain sensitivity were obtained in the series of experiments involving human. In conditions of antiorthostatic hypokinesia (ANOH) and «dry» immersion revealed no reduction in pain sensitivity in the morning, which is typical for normal conditions. Ketorolac has no effect on pain sensitivity, when determining the pain threshold (PT) by method of thermoalgometry. However, the conditions of simulated microgravity substantially alter the pharmacokinetics of ketorolac, increasing the rate of absorption of the drug and reduce its relative bioavailability and retention time in the blood plasma. This may require changes in pain therapy schemes in space flight.
  • A. S. Kovalev The data supporting the influence of simulated microgravity effects on pain sensitivity were obtained in the series of experiments involving human. In conditions of antiorthostatic hypokinesia (ANOH) and «dry» immersion revealed no reduction in pain sensitivity in the morning, which is typical for normal conditions. Ketorolac has no effect on pain sensitivity, when determining the pain threshold (PT) by method of thermoalgometry. However, the conditions of simulated microgravity substantially alter the pharmacokinetics of ketorolac, increasing the rate of absorption of the drug and reduce its relative bioavailability and retention time in the blood plasma. This may require changes in pain therapy schemes in space flight.
  • D. F. Perfilov Keywords: microgravity; pain sensitivity; ketorolac; pharmacokinetic.
  • R. V. Chernogorov Keywords: microgravity; pain sensitivity; ketorolac; pharmacokinetic.
  • L. G. Repenkova Keywords: microgravity; pain sensitivity; ketorolac; pharmacokinetic.
Keywords: ександр Сергеевич, вед. инженер опытно-конструкторской лаб. НИИ космической медицины ФГБУ ФНКЦ ФМБА России, e-mail: spacemedinstitute@yandex.r


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How to Cite
Baranov M. V., Kovalev A. S., Perfilov D. F., Chernogorov R. V., Repenkova L. G. Influence of simulated microgravity on the threshold of pain sensitivity in humans with single dose of ketorolac // Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental’naya Terapiya (Pathological physiology and experimental therapy). 2015. VOL. 59. № 2. PP. 23–28.
Original research