Humeral immune response to the oxidation of lipoproteins in nicotine addicted patients according to their smoking history

Keywords: smoking, homocysteine, oxidized lipoproteins, auto antibodies to oxidized lipoproteins


The purpose. To investigate the humeral immune response to oxidized lipoproteins in nicotine addictive patients with different experience of smoking. Methods: 2 groups of male volunteers aged 22±1 without any somatic pathology have been examined. The first group included the smokers (n=36), the second control one (n=10) comprised non smoking young people. The group of smokers was divided into three subgroups: 1.1. – period of smoking under 5 years; 1.2. – period of smoking under 5 years from 5 to 10 years; 1.3. – period of smoking more than 10 years. Common immune complexes, cholesterol and triglycerides complexes, MDA of the oxidized lipoproteins, oxidized LDL as well as homocysteine levels were registered in blood serum of the smokers. Results. Increased LDL oxidized index, MDA of the oxidized lipoproteins level and auto antibodies to them have been detected to be dependant on the smokers’ experience. The concentration of immune complexes and auto antibodies to oxidized lipoproteins of low density (LPLD) turned to be the maximum in nicotine addictive patients with the period of smoking more than 10 years. Homocysteine level was characterized by marked difference only between the control ones and young smokers; smokers experience at the same time proved to be of no value. Conclusion. The data obtained may testify to the failure of mechanism of elimination of damaging factors in nicotine addictive patients by means of auto antibodies, and, consequently, the development of endothelial dysfunction as well as the beginning of atherosclerosis.


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How to Cite
Fefelova E. V., Tereshkov P. P., Tsybikov N. N., Maximenya M. V. Humeral immune response to the oxidation of lipoproteins in nicotine addicted patients according to their smoking history // Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental’naya Terapiya (Pathological physiology and experimental therapy). 2016. VOL. 60. № 2. PP. 39–43.
Original research