Fulleren C₆₀ influence on lipids free-radical processes at bronchial asthma

  • N.A. Bobrova Scientific Research Institute of Genetic and Immunological Grounds of Pathology and Pharmacogenetic the Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy», 23, Shevtchenko str., Poltava, 36024, Ukraine
  • M.V. Mikitiuk Scientific Research Institute of Genetic and Immunological Grounds of Pathology and Pharmacogenetic the Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy», 23, Shevtchenko str., Poltava, 36024, Ukraine
  • L.A. Kutsenko Scientific Research Institute of Genetic and Immunological Grounds of Pathology and Pharmacogenetic the Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy», 23, Shevtchenko str., Poltava, 36024, Ukraine
  • I.P. Kaidashev Scientific Research Institute of Genetic and Immunological Grounds of Pathology and Pharmacogenetic the Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy», 23, Shevtchenko str., Poltava, 36024, Ukraine
Keywords: fullerenes, bronchial asthma, lipids peroxidative oxidation, superoxidedismutase, catalase


Lipids peroxidative oxidation as well as antioxidative enzymes superoxidedismutase and catalase activity state at the mice sensibilization with ovalbumine, its correction with fulleren FC60 as well as by its forms (FC60-OVA, mFC60 mFC60-OVA) modified and conjugated with ovalbumines have been studied. It has been demonstrated that the mice sensibilization with ovalbumin leads to the tissues peroxidative lipid oxidation processes enforcement as well as lowering antioxidative enzymes activity in lungs and spleen. Used different rulleren forms expressed antioxidative effect and modifying effect to antioxidative protection enzymes at a given pathology. The influence of fulleren FC60 and its modified form (1,2-methanofulleren-C60)-61-carbolacid was the mostly effective. The data recieved testify to the prospects of the fullerens further investigation as the potential medicines.


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How to Cite
Bobrova N., Mikitiuk M., Kutsenko L., Kaidashev I. Fulleren C₆₀ influence on lipids free-radical processes at bronchial asthma // Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental’naya Terapiya (Pathological physiology and experimental therapy). 2012. VOL. 56. № 3. PP. 109–114.
Original research