Changes fatty acid composition of blood serum of patients with acute alcoholic psychosis

  • N.V. Solovieva Northern State Medical University (NSMU), 51, Troitsky ave., Arkhangelsk, 163061, Russia
  • N.A. Shidakova N.A. Semashko Northern Medical Clinical Centre FMBA, 15, Troitsky ave., Arkhangelsk, 163061, Russia
  • A.G. Soloviev Northern State Medical University (NSMU), 51, Troitsky ave., Arkhangelsk, 163061, Russia
  • I.A. Kirpich Northern State Medical University (NSMU), 51, Troitsky ave., Arkhangelsk, 163061, Russia
Keywords: acute alcoholic psychosis, higher fatty acids, fatty acid imbalance syndrome


The state of acute alcoholic psychosis (AAP) in patients with alcohol dependence syndrome (ADS) is characterized by a sharp decrease in the total content of free higher fatty acids (HFA), due to the greater decrease in unsaturated HFA. Features of HFA justify the selection of free fatty acid imbalance syndrome in addicted patients in a state of the AAP.


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How to Cite
Solovieva N., Shidakova N., Soloviev A., Kirpich I. Changes fatty acid composition of blood serum of patients with acute alcoholic psychosis // Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental’naya Terapiya (Pathological physiology and experimental therapy). 2012. VOL. 56. № 4. PP. 132–134.
Original research