Signalosome as therapeutic targets
The proteins forming platforms for construction signalosome carry out a important regulatory role in various signal transduction pathways though directly don’t take part in a function performance, they interact and/or connect with set of signaling pathways, integrate them in complexes and by that regulate a signal transduction and help for location of components a definite pathway in the special region of сell, for example, in sarcoplasma, cytoplaplasm or nuclea, in complex Goldji, endosome, mitochondria. Formation a signalosome is the important mechanism of compartmentalization signaling pathways in the complex mechanism of transduction of a сell and development of vicious circles of maintenance and progressing of diseases. All of this lead to transition but beneficial orientation of individual molecules in the complex frame, permit fast interaction with additional component. Signalosomes may to play a role of control system of fulfillment biological function and ability to maintenance a balance between efficiency, ability and development, positive and negative feedback connection of events, synergic or depress mechanism, to consist tools for cell biology and pathophysiology.