Antibodies to neurotransmitters as possible neuroimmune risk markers of formation dependence to psychoactive substances

  • T.V. Davydova The Institute for General Pathology and Pathophysiology RAMS, 8, Baltiyskaya str., Moscow, 125315, Russia
  • L.A. Vetrile The Institute for General Pathology and Pathophysiology RAMS, 8, Baltiyskaya str., Moscow, 125315, Russia
  • T.P. Vetlugina Mental Health Research Institute of Siberian Branch of RAMS, 4, Aleutskaya str., Tomsk, 634014, Russia
  • T.I. Nevidimova Mental Health Research Institute of Siberian Branch of RAMS, 4, Aleutskaya str., Tomsk, 634014, Russia
  • N.A. Bokhan Mental Health Research Institute of Siberian Branch of RAMS, 4, Aleutskaya str., Tomsk, 634014, Russia
  • E.I. Batukhtina Mental Health Research Institute of Siberian Branch of RAMS, 4, Aleutskaya str., Tomsk, 634014, Russia
  • V.G. Fomina The Institute for General Pathology and Pathophysiology RAMS, 8, Baltiyskaya str., Moscow, 125315, Russia
  • I.A. Zakharova The Institute for General Pathology and Pathophysiology RAMS, 8, Baltiyskaya str., Moscow, 125315, Russia
Keywords: antibodies to neurotransmitters, dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin, opioid narcomania, abstinence


In the sera of patients with opioid addiction has been found elevated levels of autoantibodies to the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin in comparison with a control group of healthy people of the same age. In the group of patients with acute withdrawal was showed a reduction of antibody to dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin in the blood serum when compared with patients in the period of postabstinent disorders. In the group of patients with risk for the formation of substance dependence in serum was observed decrease in autoantibodies to dopamine and norepinephrine compared with the control group.


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How to Cite
Davydova T., Vetrile L., Vetlugina T., Nevidimova T., Bokhan N., Batukhtina E., Fomina V., Zakharova I. Antibodies to neurotransmitters as possible neuroimmune risk markers of formation dependence to psychoactive substances // Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental’naya Terapiya (Pathological physiology and experimental therapy). 2013. VOL. 57. № 2. PP. 13–16.
Original research