Theory humoral pathology K. Roкitansky, cellular phathology R. Virchov and new phylogenetic theory disease development. Ethyology and pathogenesis of metabolic pandemias

  • V.N. Titov Cardiology Research Complex MH RF, 15a, 3rd Cherepkovskaya str., Moscow, 121552, Russia
Keywords: R. Virchow, pathogenesis, phylogenesis, biological functions, biological reactions


Virchow’s cellular pathology indirectly points at structural units between cells and organs in vivo and at universal mechanisms underlying the condition of health or disease. In order to substantiate similarity of pathogeneses of atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome and obesity we suggest a phylogenetic theory which includes: 1) consideration of physiological and pathological processes in vivo from the viewpoint of biological functions and biological reactions. 2) Phylogenesis of metabolic regulation at the levels of: a) cells (autocrine), b) paracrine cell communities, i.e., structural and functional units of each organ (paracrine), and c) the entire organism. Biological functions are: trophology, homeostasis, endoecology («purity» of the intercellular medium), adaptation, locomotion, reproduction, and cognition. 3) A three-step successive phylogenesis of biological functions and pathological responses. Methodological approaches in phylogenesis are: a) succession of biological functions and reactions and b) biological subordination where phylogenetically late humoral mediators cannot abolish the effects of phylogenetically early mediators. Incompliance of humoral regulation at different steps of phylogenesis, autocrine, paracrine and the organism levels is the basis for similarity between pathogeneses of all metabolic pandemias, including essential hypertension and insulin resistance syndrome.


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How to Cite
Titov V. Theory humoral pathology K. Roкitansky, cellular phathology R. Virchov and new phylogenetic theory disease development. Ethyology and pathogenesis of metabolic pandemias // Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental’naya Terapiya (Pathological physiology and experimental therapy). 2013. VOL. 57. № 2. PP. 3–12.