Brain blood flow and cerebral insult. Part 2. Regulation of cerebral circulation
The data, concerning anatomy of brain vessels and the main parameters of cerebral blood flow, including vascular dilation (nitric oxide, prostacyclin, endothelial hyperpolarising factor, estrogen, calcitonin) and vascular contracting (thomboxan A2, endotolin) agents, as well the interaction between them have been scrutinized. Emphasized the leeding role of vascular endothelium and nitric oxide in the regulation of cerebral circulation. Analysis have been done of mechanisms of neuron/vascular conjugent, autoregulation of the brain blood flow, effects of functional loading (hyperoxia, hypoxia, hypercapnia, hypocapnia, acidosis) on the cerebral circulation, the different reactions between them in central and peripheral circulations, oxidant stress, inflammantion. Pointed the significance of these data for the pathogenic mechanisms and therapy of cerebral insult, others phisiological and pathophysiologic process in the brain.