Comparative efficiency of physiotherapeutic and medicinal treatment of microelements during reparative skin regeneration

  • M.M. Sharipova A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Delegatskaya St, 20, Bldg. 1, Moscow 127473, Russian Federation
Keywords: regenerative medicine, post-traumatic reparative regeneration, skin, microelements, herbal remedies, spectral phototherapy


A comparative study was conducted of the effect of herbal preparations and irradiation with hollow cathode lamps (HCL) producing magnesium and copper spectra, i.e., the Mg & Cu HCL, in an experimental model of reparative skin regeneration. A mixture of two micronutrient-rich drugs, Metosept and Vitanorm, were applied to the surface of the wound. Their oral administration in doses of 40-60 mg/rat accelerated the reparative skin regeneration by 30% by increasing the number of dendritic cells and macrophages in the focus of inflammation. Daily 2-min irradiation of the Mg & Cu HCL had a positive effect on the dynamics of the morphological characteristics of the skin wound regeneration process. There occurred an acceleration of epithelial cell differentiation, and also a 30% acceleration of wound healing. A comparative study of the radiation efficiency of five phototherapy devices showed that the wound surface reduction most quickly occurred during treatment with the magnetic laser “Orion+” apparatus. The 2nd most effective treatment was Minitag and HCL Zn & Mg, and the 3rd most effecivet was HCL Zn and Bioptron.


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How to Cite
Sharipova M. Comparative efficiency of physiotherapeutic and medicinal treatment of microelements during reparative skin regeneration // Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental’naya Terapiya (Pathological physiology and experimental therapy). 2021. VOL. 65. № 2. PP. 120–126.