In memory of Vitaly K. Reshetnyak

  • Colleagues and friends
Keywords: Vitaliy K. Reshetnyak



In memory of Vitaly K. Reshetnyak

On September 12, 2019, after a serious and prolonged illness, an outstanding scientist, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the RF Government Prize in the field of science and technology, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vitaliy Kuzmich Reshetnyak passed away.

We all loved and respected Vitaly Kuzmich. Exceptionally friendly, with a lively sense of humor, he always found kind words of support, extended a helping hand in difficult times. He knew how to set goals and “swim against the tide”, achieving their realization, knew how to courageously confront adversity.

Sphere of scientific interests of V.K. Reshetnyak included an extensive range of problems of the pathology of the nervous system, in particular, the study of the pathophysiological mechanisms of acute and chronic pain. Vitaliy Kuzmich was a member of the World and European Association for the Study of Pain. He was one of the founders of the Russian Association for the Study of Pain, where for 10 years he was its General Secretary, and since 1997 Vice President.

Research of V.K. Reshetnyak were aimed at solving urgent practical problems. He developed a method for preventing the occurrence of phantom-pain syndrome after amputation of limbs, created methods for treating trigeminal neuralgia. For these new developments V.K. Reshetnyak received 10 copyright certificates and patents, for the implementation of which three original devices were created and introduced into clinical practice, for which he received the honorary sign “Inventor of the USSR”. One of these devices received the VDNKH gold medal.

In addition to studying the problem of pain, V.K. Reshetnyak paid serious attention to the study of the pathogenetic mechanisms of sleep disorders of various origins. In particular, he formulated medical and technical requirements for the creation of a domestic apparatus for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. For this work as part of the team of authors in 2003, Vitaliy Kuzmich was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology.

For the achieved labor successes, high professionalism and many years of conscientious work by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.K. Reshetnyak was awarded the honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation”.

Vitaliy Kuzmich put a lot of effort into the organization of the educational process at the Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology and the Medical Center of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation. For his great contribution to the training and education of medical personnel, he was awarded the distinction “For Conscientious Labor” and the Honorary Badge “For Valiant Labor” of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

Vitaliy Kuzmich made a significant contribution to the work of professional scientific journals - he was Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal Pathological Physiology and Experimental Therapy, member of the editorial board of the journals Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, Russian Journal of Pain, and Clinical Pathophysiology.

The bright memory of Vitaly Kuzmich, a talented scientist and simply a wonderful person, will always live in our memory, our hearts.

Colleagues and friends


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How to Cite
Colleagues and friends. In memory of Vitaly K. Reshetnyak // Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental’naya Terapiya (Pathological physiology and experimental therapy). 2020. VOL. 64. № 1. PP. 162–162.