Detection of oxidative stress induced by calcium phosphate bions in human arterial endothelial cells

  • A.G. Kutikhin Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases, Sosnoviy Blvd. 6, Kemerovo 650002, Russian Federation
  • D.K. Shishkova Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases, Sosnoviy Blvd. 6, Kemerovo 650002, Russian Federation
  • R.A. Mukhamadiyarov Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases, Sosnoviy Blvd. 6, Kemerovo 650002, Russian Federation
  • E.A. Velikanova Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases, Sosnoviy Blvd. 6, Kemerovo 650002, Russian Federation
Keywords: atherosclerosis, bions, hydroxyapatite, endothelial cells, reactive oxygen species, superoxide, superoxidefree radicals, superoxide dismutase


Background. Calcium phosphate bions (CPB) form in the human blood upon its supersaturation with calcium and phosphate and provoke endothelial dysfunction; however, the molecular mechanisms of these pathological processes remain unclear. Aim. To elucidate the role of differently shaped CPBs in induction of oxidative stress in human arterial endothelial cells (Ecs). Methods. For detection of oxidative stress, equal concentrations of spherical CPB (CPB-S) or needle-shaped CPB (CPB-N) were added to confluent cultures of primary human coronary artery and internal thoracic artery ECs for 1 and 4 h; this was followed by MitoSOX Red and CellROX Green staining and subsequent confocal microscopy. Concentration of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances was measured in the EC culture supernatant at 24 h of the CPB exposure. The lipid peroxidation cytotoxicity was neutralized by adding superoxide dismutase and catalase to ECs for 4 or 24 h. To compare cell death subroutines induced by CPB-S and CPB-N, the effect of bafilomycin A1, a lysosomal inhibitor, on CRB cytotoxicity was studied. Results. No increase in reactive oxygen species generation was observed in the CPB-S exposure, regardless of the EC line and exposure duration. However, addition of CPB-N to ECs increased the production of superoxide and other free radicals after fourand one-hour exposure, respectively. Prior neutralization of reactive oxygen species with superoxide dismutase and catalase partially protected ECs from CPB-N- but not CPB-S-induced death while bafilomycin A1, vice versa, protected ECs from CPB-S- but not CPB-N-induced death. Conclusion. CPB-S cause cell death due to primary damage of lysosomes whereas CPB-N induce apoptosis due to oxidative stress.


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How to Cite
Kutikhin A., Shishkova D., Mukhamadiyarov R., Velikanova E. Detection of oxidative stress induced by calcium phosphate bions in human arterial endothelial cells // Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental’naya Terapiya (Pathological physiology and experimental therapy). 2021. VOL. 65. № 1. PP. 70–78.
Original research