The technique of problem-based learning as a way of teaching in a medical university

Keywords: method of problem-based learning, the role of the teacher in the seminar, formation of competent personality, anemia, erythrocytosis


Formation of clinical thinking and the ability to make a knowledge-based differential diagnosis by evaluating a patient is the main goal of teaching any subject in a medical school. The problem-based teaching is one of the most effective modern teaching approaches, which provides development and formation of a modern, competent person capable of creative search, independent decision making, and proactive actions. This methodology should build a foundation for students to obtain professional skills for solving assigned tasks based on the knowledge acquisition system: lecture-tutorial-seminars. The problem-based teaching assumes an active role of the teacher who should identify the problem and lead the search for a solution. At the same time, the role of students is active as well, since, on the basis of available information, they should understand and accept the training problem and demonstrate the ability to use the acquired knowledge for its solution. Teaching methods using the technique of problem-based teaching are exemplified by a seminar class on “Pathological types of the erythrocyte system and their significance for differential diagnosis of typical pathological processes”.


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How to Cite
Karaoglanova T. E., Padalko V. V. The technique of problem-based learning as a way of teaching in a medical university // Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental’naya Terapiya (Pathological physiology and experimental therapy). 2019. VOL. 63. № 1. PP. 112–117.
Educational issues