Detection of intracellular silver nanoparticles using flow cytometry

  • Said I. Kaba Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology, Baltijskaya Str. 8, Moscow 125315, Russian Federation
  • A. A. Sokolovskaya Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology, Baltijskaya Str. 8, Moscow 125315, Russian Federation
Keywords: silver nanoparticles, flow cytometry


The study demonstrated a possibility for detection of intracellular silver nanoparticles using flow cytometry. The parameter used in this work, side scattering, was measured in EA.hy926 endothelial cells incubated in a 2 mg/ml silver nanoparticle solution. This parameter was increased compared to control samples. Therefore, this technique was sensitive to changes in the cell status and suggested the cell uptake of the particles under the subtoxic conditions.


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How to Cite
Kaba S. I., Sokolovskaya A. A. Detection of intracellular silver nanoparticles using flow cytometry // Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental’naya Terapiya (Pathological physiology and experimental therapy). 2018. VOL. 62. № 4. PP. 223–226.