Experimental assessment of major regulatory systems (adrenal, thyroid and gonadal) in liver metastases from s45 sarcoma

Keywords: liver metastases, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis; hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis; hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis; rats; sarcoma 45


Aim: To evaluate functioning of three major systems of neurohumoral regulation, adrenal (HPA), thyroid (HPT), and gonadal (HPG) axes, in liver metastasis based on weights of organs and blood levels of hormones. Methods: The study included 34 white male rats. Organs were weighted at 1, 2, 5, and 7 weeks after S45 sarcoma cell injections into the subcutaneously transferred spleen; blood serum levels of FSH, LH, TSH, ACTH, cortisol, aldosterone, total testosterone, free and total thyroxine, and triiodothyronine were measured by RIA; estrone, estradiol, and free testosterone concentrations were measured by ELISA. Results. The process of liver metastasis was accompanied by activation and following exhaustion of the HPA axis with 1.8 time decreases in blood levels of cortisol and aldosterone, significant activation of the HPG axis (5-fold increased LH level and 59% decreased testicular weight) due to hypotestosteronemia (9.7 times) and hyperestradiolemia (2.3 times), and activation of the HPT axis with the low T3 syndrome (4.6 times). Conclusion. Liver metastasis is a systemic pathology based on profound dysfunction of the major regulatory systems.


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How to Cite
Kaplieva I. V., Frantsiyants E. M., Trepitaki L. K., Cheryarina N. D. Experimental assessment of major regulatory systems (adrenal, thyroid and gonadal) in liver metastases from s45 sarcoma // Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental’naya Terapiya (Pathological physiology and experimental therapy). 2018. VOL. 62. № 2. PP. 90–97.
Original research